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I am giving a voice to the marginalized.
My passion is finding untold stories and creating change.
I am a storyteller.


This is me

I have more than 14 years of experience in media, working in digital, print, advertising, and podcasting - but there's more to my story.


As the child of a Nigerian immigrant and a Black and Indigenous mother, my childhood consisted of a global geopolitical analysis after One Saturday Morning. Growing up on Long Island gave me access to the vibrant and diverse cultures only a train ride away from the isle of Manhattan. I longed to be in the thick of things, learning about all the different people of the world, which sent me down south to the Capitol for college. I moved to Washington, D.C., to attend the illustrious Howard University, where I studied print journalism and Spanish and how to find the best mumbo sauce. Since graduating, I've navigated the ever-changing media world, working as a writer, producer, social and project manager, and a deputy editorial director. 

Content Strategy  Writing 
Campaign Management 

 Branding   Social Media

Event Host    Podcasting 



I utilize my talents and abilities to find and produce engaging editorial and social projects.

My storytelling focuses on people, and fall under the umbrella of: social justice, health and wellness, entertainment, and culture. I believe that all people deserve the basic human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the world becomes more connected, our sovereignty and security depend on accurate news reporting. As my personal patron saint of journalism, Ida B. Wells, once said, "The people must know before they can act and there is no educator to compare with the press." In a time where the media is rife with disinformation, it is important to be a humble and inquisitive learner who can self-reflect on how their own biases and ignorance have created blind spots. 

As an editor I've worked on short and longform articles, media campaigns, manuscripts, and websites.

Clients &


I believe in the importance of emotional intelligence and collaboration in sparking change, if that piques your interest let's work together!

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